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First quarter summary and commendation meeting of runtaida pipe valve Co., Ltd. in 2021

2021-05-14 23:07:41
Looking back to 2020, we have made new achievements with passion and sweat! Ushering in the first quarter of 2021, we have created a new miracle again with hard work and wisdom!

On May 12, 2021, runtaida pipe valve Co., Ltd. held the first quarter of 2021 summary and commendation meeting.

At the meeting, the leaders, excellent employees and new people of the sales department made wonderful speeches and shared.

What’s more intimate is that the person in charge of the meeting not only carefully prepared all kinds of delicious food for us, but also arranged all kinds of game links to end the meeting in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

In the next few days, we will make persistent efforts and work hand in hand to create another success!

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