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Advantages of pressure reducing valve

2022-07-16 15:49:58

Pressure reducing valve is generally divided into diaphragm type and piston type,nominal diameter≤DN500 is diaphragm type,more than DN600 type is piston,both working principle is similar,this is valve by the main valve 2, pilot valve 1, needle valve 5, ball valve 3 and a pressure gauge4.Pressure reducing valve main control of the main valveof the fixed outlet pressure, the main valve outlet pressure does not change due to changes in the inlet pressure, apply to industrial water supply, water, fire water supply and water pipeline system for domestic use.


  1. The main valve outlet pressure does not change due to changes in the inlet pressure.
  2. Not due to the changes in the downstream water consumption of the main valve to change its export pressure.
  3. Wide pressure regulating range,easy to adjust.
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